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Refund Policy

Refund Policy

I. University Application Fee

1.1. University application fee is different from registration fee but for application notice, JW202 processing and our website maintenance charged by university and LUCAS International together.

1.2. University application fee is not refundable under any circumstance.


II. Standard Service Fee

2.1. Standard service fee is charged by LUCAS International.

2.2. Standard service fee is not refundable in most cases except your application is refused by the university.


III. VIP Service Fee

3.1. VIP service is offered to cater for applicants who want a secured admission in the schools they like or want to have a higher chance for scholarship, the service charge usually ranges from 500 to 2000 USD according to universities ranking and scholarship categories.

3.2. At the Application Phase, once applicants agree with the VIP service rules and conditions in the agreement and make payment for VIP service, then no parties can terminate it without consensus. The VIP service fee is not refundable unless the applications were refused by universities. In that case, 80% of VIP service fee is refundable. No VIP service fee is refundable if applications failed due to applicants cheating on documents, information or failing to provide documents in time.

3.3. At the Visa Application Phase, the VIP service fee is not refundable once visa issued even if applicants give up to study in China; the VIP service fee is 40% refundable if visa was denied for 3 times or applicants can choose to apply for next intake without paying VIP service again.

3.4. At the Arrival Phase, the VIP service fee is not refundable once applicants land in China.

3.5. If Applicants choose VIP service to apply for scholarship, the VIP service fee will be 60% refundable if scholarship application failed or applicants can apply for another university/scholarship for free. No VIP service fee is refundable if scholarship application failed due to applicants cheating on documents, information or failing to provide documents in time, or applicants refusing to accept scholarship after got accepted by the university.


IV. JW202 Guarantee Fee

4.1. JW202 Guarantee Fee is not refundable unless the JW202 form was denied. In that case, 80% of JW202 guarantee fee can be refunded.


V. Airport Picking-up Fee

5.1. Airport Picking-up fee is 80% refundable before applicants fly to China. The 20% of the fee is deducted for the efforts and arrangements by LUCAS International Service Team.


VI. Dorm Reservation Fee

6.1. Dorm reservation fee is 80% refundable before applicants fly to China. The 20% of the fee is deducted for the efforts and arrangements by LUCAS International Service Team.

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