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Application Methods

Application Methods

When it comes to apply for study in China, international students may face two main options when they decide to start their application, one is apply with school directly, the other one is to find a reliable agent to help apply. Which one is better ? Well, every coin has two sides, let’s have a look at the chart below then you will be able to make your decision easily.


Apply with school directly

     Via LUCAS International

1. Search Program & University

(1) Language barriers, since universities’ websites are mostly in Chinese.

(2) Time-consuming, energy-consuming, and difficult to get all the information you want.

(1) Largest course database.


(2)Various search criteria.


2. Application Procedure (Entry requirements, fill application form, upload application documents and submit application)

(1) No professional advisers by side to analyze your SWOT due to universities’ entry requirements.

(2) Could miss the application deadline due to lack of updates.


(1) Application progress and tracking are all in your own hands.


(2)Experienced advisers are always there to help you.

3. Accommodation Reservation & Arrangement

(1)Various room types could make you very confused.

(2) Miss the application deadline for accommodation booking.

(3)Hard choice about living on-campus or off- campus.

(4)Hard to book your favorite room type.


(1) Special portal for LUCAS International accommodation booking.


(2)Accommodation is guaranteed for LUCAS International students.

4. Visa Preparation

(1)Completely confused about visa application.

(2)Whole progress could be very exhausted and time-consuming.


(1) LUCAS International offers visa application information in accordance with your country.


(2)Visa application interview training available for LUCAS International students to increase the chance of visa approval.

5. Pre-departure Preparation

(1)Plenty of time will be spent on searching what to bring to China.


(2)Language barriers: Some useful information are only written in Chinese.

(1)LUCAS International offers a pre-departure training for every student.


(2) City information about weather, local cuisine, transportation, average living cost etc. are available with LUCAS International students.


(3)Airport picking-up service available if necessary.


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    When it comes to apply for study in China, international students may face two main options when they decide to start their application, one is apply with school directly, the other one is to find a reliable agent to help apply. Which one is better ? Well, every coin has two sides, let’s have a look at the chart below then you will be able to make your decision easily.
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