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Facts about China

Official Name: People's Republic of China

Capital: Beijing
Population: 1,416,914,732 (2018 estimation)
Major Cities Population: Shanghai 25.582 million; Beijing 19.618 million; Chongqing 14.838 million; Guangdong 12.683 million; Tianjin 13.215 million; Shenzhen 11.908 million (2018 estimation)

Facts about China

China is a unified multi-ethnic country jointly created by the people of all 56 ethnic groups. In the long course of historical evolution people of all 56 ethnic groups in China have maintained close contacts, developed interdependently, communicated and fused with one another, and stood together through weal and woe, forming today's unified multi-ethnic Chinese nation, and promoting the development of the nation and social progress.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, following the guideline of unity among all ethnic groups for common prosperity and drawing on China's historical experience and the useful practices of other countries, always with a view to China's actual situation, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government have carved out a path for the successful solution to ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics, exercised the ethnic policy featuring equality, unity, regional ethnic autonomy, and common prosperity for all ethnic groups, thus forming a relatively complete ethnic policy system.

Chinese is the language of nearly 20% of the world’s population. Native Chinese speakers not only live in China, but also overseas Chinese communities all over the world. Unlike most languages, Chinese has a unique ideographic writing system, which provides visual comprehensibility. The grammatical structure of Chinese is not only logical, but also pragmatic, related to the particular way of Chinese thinking.

International students choose to study Chinese language with the expectation of better employment opportunities in fields such as travel, news media, academics, diplomatic work, financial, trade, banking and a lot more. International companies are competing for talents with Mandarin Chinese skills to be placed as executives for their China ventures. With China as an emerging economic superpower, understanding the Chinese language and the value acquired by speaking Chinese (Mandarin) is becoming increasingly important.

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