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University of Science and Technology Liaoning (USTL)
  • City:Anshan, Liaoning Province
  • Attribute:

    Public University

  • University Level:

    Ordinary University

  • Recommend:

    4 stars

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  • Fees Structure

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  • How to Apply

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  • The Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel (former University of Science and Technology Liaoning) was authorized to recruit international student in 1996. In 2007, the School of International Education was established co-located with the university international office. In 2017, the School of international Education had become an independent department for the education and training of all international students. It consists three offices (the admission office, the general administration office and the international student affairs office), three teaching units (foreign languages unit, Chinese language unit, and degree education unit), one test center, and a cross-culture adaptation studio. The school employs 19 full time staff, among which, 12 people are professional teachers. There are one professor, 3 associate professors, 7 lectures and 1 teaching assistant.

    In 2009, the university was approved to receive Liaoning provincial government scholarship sponsored students, and in 2014 the university was entitled to the Chinese government scholarship program. The university confers degrees at all levels including PhD, master’s degree and bachelor degree. Its short-term training programs offer opportunities to non-degree education seekers through various ways of conducts.

  • Course deliveries through English, Chinese or bilingual. The university has trained a number of excellent graduates. One of our excellent graduates has worked for the university after obtained his PhD degree and become master degree students’ supervisor. It offers 57 degree programs instructed in Chinese, 13 degree programs instructed in English, and 18 master degree programs.

    The university values international education, and hence has been investing in the area highly in recent years to build a nice and sound environment for its students. Presently, the university has set up 5131.82 square meters teaching facilities for international education and 21457 square meters for international student accommodation. The School of International Education is continuing in achieving excellence by enlarging its scale, perfecting its structure, increasing its quality and promoting its specialty to grow into a professional educational institution in metallurgy. The school is striving to better serve the national diplomatic purposes and to serve the “belt and road initiative”, the “double first-class initiative”, helping push forward university full scale advancements.


University of Science and Technology Liaoning provides scholarship to international students in order to attract more talents to study in USTL.

Liaoning Province Government Scholarship 

For freshman, international students can apply for Liaoning Province Government Scholarship, which will cover tuition fee and hostel fee per year.

LUCAS International students can enjoy an exclusive partial scholarship to cover part of tuition fee each year, amount 3000 RMB/year.

Academic Scholarship for international students from 2nd to 4th year

  • First-prize Scholarship: 5,000 RMB

  • Second-prize Scholarship: 3,000 RMB

  • Third-prize Scholarship: 2,000 RMB

  • Single-prize Scholarship: 1,000 RMB

For evaluation details of academic scholarship, please contact with international cooperation and exchange office.

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