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2024 - 03 - 01
China, as the second largest economy in the world, has become a hot study destination for international students who want to study medicine abroad for its most competitive and best value English-taught MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) programs and relatively low study costs. Each year thousands of international students from over 200 countries choose to study medicine in China.
2024 - 01 - 12
This article is a comprehensive guide for international students who want to pursue their studies in China which provides a wide range of details and guidance, such as the benefits of studying in China, introduction of the Chinese education system, hot programs and Chinese universities for international students , university/program selection, etc. Whether you are considering non-degree (language/preparatory) studies or degree (Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD) studies, this article will surely offer you valuable insights and practical advice to help you make an informed decision, navigate the challenges of study in China and take full advantage of your study experience in China.
2023 - 11 - 12
Peking University (PKU) is a comprehensive research university with disciplines ranging from philosophy, literature, history, law, economics and education to science, engineering, medicine, management and art. Peking University admits students on the principle of “merit-based enrollment, quality before quantity” and is dedicated to educating innovation-minded scholars with a global perspective and understanding of China. Peking University enrolls international students to study for master's and Ph.D. degrees through the "Application+Examination" method, assessing the applicant's comprehensive quality and ability. This admissions prospectus is targeted at applicants to Yanyuan campus, Changping new Campus, School of Software and Microelectronics (Daxing campus) and Shenzhen Graduate School (Shenzhen campus). The PKU Health Science Center publishes its admissions prospectus independently.
2023 - 11 - 02
With the central task of talent cultivation, Tsinghua University aims to cultivate people who shoulder the mission and strive for excellence through a "Three-Pronged Approach" by integrating the shaping of values, the cultivating of skills and the imparting of knowledge. Students are expected to develop five essential qualities, namely, well-rounded character, solid and broad academic foundation, innovative thinking, global perspective and social commitment, achieving a combination of comprehensive development and individual development.

    2014 SINCE
    LUCAS International has been a popular platform for international students to study in China. With us, you can always get first-hand information about Chinese universities admission & scholarship policies and many others.
最新新闻 / News
On 13 March 2019, LUCAS International Education Co., Ltd. was established in order to help international students to study in China in a formal way. The founder and CEO, Lucas, expressed his gratitude for all the stuff and their efforts in the past years. LUCAS International-Study in China was initiated by Lucas in 2014 with the increasing need of international students choosing to pursue their studies in China before it was registered with China’s Bureau of Industry and Commerce as LUCAS International Education Co., Ltd. Before the establishment of LUCAS International Education Co., Ltd., the founder together with another three partners have been dealing with applications for China's public universities since the year 2014. Over the years, thousands of international students have been admitted by Chinese universities with the assistance of LUCAS International for various programs of Bachelor's, Master's and PhD. And from the year 2015 to 2017, the platform played an important role in international education exchange and won a great reputation among international students and their families. The establishment made the recruitment formal and professional in terms of laws, the company will stick to its core: to help international students study in China smoothly and easily. Moreover, the company will help promote Chinese universities and colleges and attract more and more international students to know Chinese education and culture.
2019 / 03 / 14
点击次数: 1030
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