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Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Summary: If you are considering to study in China and wanna know how to prepare your application documents correctly, now you can check the following guidance to learn application materials preparation formally.


This is a list of application documents compiled by LUCAS International, including the details you should pay attention to. To do so, you will find it easy and time saving to prepare documents for study in China. Please note, the following documents are the most commonly required by China’s universities when you submit your applications, please follow the instructions and prepare the documents accordingly in order to get more chance for admission.


1. Application Form

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

1-申请表 2.jpg

Template & requirements

Basic Information: Fill the application form online/offline as complete as possible. Your application might be rejected if the information not complete.

Home Address: Please make sure to write the physical address of your residence in your home country, including room/house number, block/street number, city, state, country with zip code if any. P.O. Box also required if available.


3. Family Background: Your parents name, occupation, position / work place, contact number and Email address are required by most China’s universities.


4. Education/Employment Background: Please list all your educational and employment experience until the time of application. For applicants with gap years, additional documents might be requested by the university later during the process of review.

Emergency Contact: It can be a parent/relative back home or in China, phone number and email address required.


2. Passport

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Template & requirements

1. A 
clear and full-view photocopy of the bio-page of your passport with your name, photo, birth date, place of birth, passport number, date of expiry, etc.

2. The passport should be international passport and valid for at least one year.

3. Visa page is required for applicants who are not in their home country.


4. Blank pages of your passport are required by some schools in China, which should be scanned two pages together. (Check the above sample)

5. You need to provide the complete page of your passport which contains the individual number at bottom of the passport.

6. For those currently residing in China, photocopies of the the residence permit should be provided as well.

Changing passport after submission or failure to report your current Chinese visa status may cause visa troubles.


3. Academic Results/Transcript

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Template & requirements

1. The results slip should be formal, in English or Chinese, if it is in another language, a translated copy and the original copy should be provided.

2. Applicants for Bachelor’s program should provide high school results, usually Grade 12 results or O level & A level results or equivalence.

3. Applicants for Master’s program should provide undergraduate transcripts of 3-4 academic years.

4. Applicants for PhD program should provide postgraduate transcripts of 1-3 academic years.

5. All applicants should provide true and authentic academic results/transcript. Any change, modification or erasure of academic performance will lead to application refusal.


4. Diploma / Graduation Certificate


Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Template & requirements

1. The diploma / certificate should be formal, in English or Chinese, if it is in another language, a translated copy and the original copy should be provided.


2. Applicants for Bachelor’s degree should provide a high school diploma (or equivalence of high school graduate certificate) or pre-graduation certificate indicating your expected graduation time.

3. Applicants for Master’s degree should provide bachelor’s degree certificate or pre-graduation certificate indicating your expected graduation time.

4. Applicants for PhD should provide master’s degree certificate or pre-graduation certificate indicating your expected graduation time.


5. Testimonial / Leaving Certificate

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Template & requirements

1. For applicants whose diploma / graduation certificate is not issued yet, they can provide a testimonial or leaving certificate instead.


2. The testimonial / leaving certificate should indicate when the student got enrolled and when he / she graduated / will graduate from high school / undergraduate school / postgraduate school.


3. The testimonial / leaving certificate should be written on school’s letterhead, signed and stamped by school accordingly.


4. Schools here in China accept testimonial / leaving certificate / pre-graduation certificate while awaiting formal graduation certificate.



 6. Physical Examination Record for Foreigner:

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Template & requirements

1. The medical form consists of two pages, applicable for all who wanna study in China and all China’s universities.

2. On the first page of the medical form, personal information should be filled by applicants themselves.

3. Applicants’ photo should be attached on the top right corner of the first page of medical form and should bear the stamp of the hospital.

4. All blanks of the medical form should be filled by applicants and doctors. All medical check results should be filled by doctors.


5. Please do the medical check within 6 months before you submit your application since it is valid for 6 months only.

6. Please get the medical form printed and take it to the hospital to do medical check. Please have the doctors fill in all boxes for you.


7. On the second page of medical form, suggestions and signature of the doctor are required in the end. Hospital official stamp and date of the body check-ups are required as well.


7. No-criminal Record / Police Clearance

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Template & requirements

1. No-criminal record / police clearance usually issued by local police station or its headquarters.  


2. The document must be in English or Chinese, if it is in another language, it should be translated into English or Chinese and notarized by related organization.

3. As an official document, there should be official stamp of police station on the certificate.


4. No-criminal record / police clearance usually only valid for 3 months, please make sure to prepare it within 3 months before submitting applications.


8. Letter of Recommendation

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Template & requirements

1. Letters of recommendation by professors, teachers or employers should be in English or Chinese. For graduate program applicants, the recommendation letter should be written by professors or associate professors.

2. The name of the applicant, reasons for recommendation should be included in the letter.


3. The recommendation letter should be written on school / company’s letterhead, signed and stamped accordingly.

4. In the letter, signature, contact information as well as the title / position of the person recommending you should be written clearly.

Tips: Usually two letters of recommendation are required when applying for Master’s or Doctoral programs. 


9. Study Plan / Personal Statement

Application Documents Preparation Guidelines

Template & requirements

1. Study plan / personal statement is usually required when applying for master’s and doctoral programs.


2. The statement usually includes the following parts: Self-introduction, reasons for study in China, reasons for choosing the course/program, study plan after enrolled in China’s universities and plan after graduation in China.


3. The study plan / personal statement usually should be 500-1000 words and should bear applicant’s signature.

10. No-objection Letter / Transfer Certificate


Application Documents Preparation Guidelines


Template & requirements

1. The letter is usually required for those who are studying in China and wanna apply for new schools here in China.


2. The letter should be written on the Chinese university’s letterhead, signed and stamped.


3. Statement of the previous university’s agreement on his or her transfer to other schools in China.

. Students’ performance and ATTENDANCE at school should be included in the letter.


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