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Anhui Normal University (AHNU)
  • City:Wuhu, Anhui Province
  • Attribute:

    Public University

  • University Level:

    Ordinary University

  • Recommend:

    2 stars

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  • Founded in 1928, Anhui Normal University is the oldest institution in Anhui University. With its location in Wuhu City which is well-known as a land of fish and nested in the southern bank of the world famous Yangtze River. ANU is widely acknowledged as Anhui Provincial People's government and the Ministry of Education jointly build university, the national Midwest university basic capacity construction project university. Besides, ANU is also a provincial key comprehensive university built by the provincial government of Anhui province and belongs to Local High level University project in Anhui province.

    The predecessor of the university, founded in Anqing city, is Provincial Anhui University and renamed the State Anhui University in 1946 , then it moved to Wuhu city in December 1949. Later, it was named as Anhui normal University, Hefei normal University, Wannan University (Liu Shaoqi inscribed the name), Anhui Industrial and Agricultural University orderly. After being approved by the State Council in 1972 , it is officially designated as Anhui Normal University ( Guo Moruo inscribed the name). In 2005, Wuhu Normal Technical College was incorporated into Anhui Normal University as a whole .

    ANU is now composed of 18 colleges,which are College of Arts, College of Politics, College of Law, College of Economics and Management, College of Music, College of Fine Arts, College of History and Society, College of Educational Science, College of Foreign languages, College of physical Education, College of Journalism and Communication,College of Mathematics computer Science, College of Physics and Electronic Information, College of Chemistry and Materials Science, College of Land Resources and Tourism, College of Life Sciences, College of Environmental Science and Engineering. and Extended Education College, International Education College, Wanjiang College, attached middle school, primary school and kindergarten of  Anhui Normal University.

  • ANU is one of the first universities to be allowed to enroll students at public expense, and is also the national Chinese language education base and Anhui Province Chinese International Promotion Center. ANU has received more than 3,000 foreign students from over 30 countries or regions of the world. We also established long-term friendly cooperation and academic communication with universities or institutes of higher learning, research departments and academic organizations in America, Britain, Germany, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Japan and Vietnam. Besides,we built the Confucius Institute together with Charles Darwin University in Australia.

    In addition, ANU is a training base for college counselors in the Ministry of Education, National training base for backbone teachers of primary and secondary schools in the Ministry of Education,National training Base for Social work Professionals, National training Base for Social Sports instructors, Anhui University teacher training Center, Anhui Excellent Judicial Training Base,Training base for professional and technical personnel in Anhui, Anhui Province Education Management cadre training Base, Anhui Province High School backbone teacher training Base, Anhui Tourism Secondary Vocational School backbone teacher training Base.

    In order to face the opportunities and challenges brought by the vigorous development of higher education, ANU is focusing on the goal of construct high level university with distinctive characteristics. On the higher starting point , we vigorously implement the strategy of building the university with high quality, more talents, various subjects, further openness, more orderliness and colorful culture. Besides, We must also adhere to the strategy of scientific development, connotative development and harmonious development, constantly improve the core competitiveness and comprehensive strength of ANU, and actively contribute to the economic and social development of Anhui province and the construction of beautiful Anhui.


During the 80 years of running the school, a large number of well-known experts,scholars and community leaders, such as Liu Wendian, Zhou Jianren, Yu Dafu, Su Xuelin, Chen Wangdao, Zhu Xiang, Chen Wangdao, Uranus Arch, Yang Lianggong, Cheng Yansheng, Tao Yin, Zhang Haoci, Ding Xuxian, Chen Wangdao, Chen Wangdao and so on, gathered in Anhui Normal University where they wrote books and spread their thoughts. After generations of normal University experts devote themselves to inspirational teaching,sharpen the spirit of being honest, chasing dream, pursuing excellence, being persistence,form the teaching style of serious, dedicated,cultivating students,being the example ,cultivate the leaning style diligent , modesty, honest and innovative and create the school motto of being virtuous,valuing education,pursuing knowledge,being scrupulous . Since the establishment of the university, it has cultivated more than 200,000 full-time specialized talents for our country.

ANU provides subject studies in literature, history, philosophy, economics, administration, laws, science, engineering, pedagogy ,science, engineering, agriculture, artS and etc. It offers a complete and systematic student cultivation system which varies at different degree levels from bachelor to doctors and in different forms from full-time higher education, adult higher education to international education. Presently, ANU possesses 5 Ph. D. first-level subjects and 45 Ph. D. level second-level subjects, 5 post-doctoral research stations,25 master degree first-level subjects,128 master degree second-level subjects,12 professional degrees, 18 provincial key subjects,3 provincial major subjects’ construction, 88 undergraduate majors. Besides, there are one Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences established by the Ministry of Education, one provincial key laboratory, one national and regional research centre of the Ministry of Education, one provincial key laboratory built by provincial departments, two 2011 Collaborative Innovation Centers in Anhui Province, 5 Key Research Bases of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3 key laboratories of Anhui universities, one engineering laboratory in Anhui Province, one provincial database, one Anhui provincial engineering technology research center and one public service platform for science and technology innovation in Anhui province. 

ANU has more than 2,300 faculty members. Among them, there are more than 1,450 full-time teachers, nearly 840 professional technical staffs above the title in vice - high class, 3 national level teaching groups, one famous cultural and four and one batch talent, one 10000 people plan philosophy and social science leading talent, 3 millions of talents Project national candidates, 7 ministry of education excellent talent in the new century supported plan talents,”5 “Wanjiang scholar”distinguished Professors, 4“Wanjiang scholar”speech professors, one Wanjiang scholar”young scholar, two provincial 100-person plantalents,28 provincial academic and technological leaders, 47 provincial academic and technical candidates,13 provincial teaching teams,24 provincial famous teachers,28 provincial potential teachers. In addition, the number of registered students in ANU is more than 43800, among which are nearly 4900 graduate students, 21700 ordinary undergraduates, 260 international students and   17000 adult students.

The campus covers an area of 195,000 square meters in total with the building area of 90.06 million square meters and the total value of the equipment is 4.97 billion RMB. The school library is the key protection unit of ancient books in China, which has rich collection of books and  complete variety of books. There are 2.89 million volumes of books and 700 kinds of rare ancient books. Among them, Hongwu rhymes is the only one in China. General History, the Complete Works of Li Bai, The poem collection of Du Fu are precious ancient books in China,too. Besides,it also has main network resources and the databases at home and abroad. The library collection resources basically realized the digitization. In addition, there is Anhui Normal University press, which edited and published a variety of academic journals and newspapers. For example,Journal of Anhui normal University,College counselors journal, Chinese studies,Anhui Normal University Newspapers.

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