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Xi'an Shiyou University (XSYU)
  • City:Xi'an, Shaanxi Province
  • Attribute:

    Public University

  • University Level:

    Ordinary University

  • Recommend:

    3 stars

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  • Xi’an Shiyou University (XSYU) is the only multidisciplinary university in northwest China characterized by petroleum and petro-chemistry and jointly built by the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province and the three major national energy companies of China, a high-level university in Shaanxi Province, and a Chinese independent institution admitting international students under Chinese government scholarship.


    Founded in 1951, the university covers an area of 2,133 mu, with total value of fixed assets of CNY 2.128 billion, and total value of instruments and equipment of CNY 457 million.


    The university consists of 14 colleges and 2 departments directly under it. Currently, there is 1 discipline for joint PhD degree granting, 14 first-level disciplines for master’s degree granting, 59 second-level disciplines for master’s degree granting, 5 categories for master’s degree granting, and 15 professional degree programs (11 fields of master of engineering), wherein, the “Field of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering” won the honorary title of “National Characteristic Engineering Field for Engineering Master Education” in 2011. The university is also a Shaanxi Provincial Postdoctoral Innovation Base. Among the 57 undergraduate specialties of the university, there are 5 national characteristic specialties, 5 experimental specialties in the “Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program” of the state, 10 Shaanxi Province characteristic specialties, and 5 Shaanxi Province famous specialties.


    The university has over 1,700 staff members, including over 1,200 full-time teachers, and nearly 600 with senior professional title. There are over 40 professors of the second and third grades, over 460 doctoral supervisors and master supervisors, and over 560 teachers with PhD degree. The university also possesses nearly 40 talents, including state-level expert with outstanding contributions, expert entitled to the Special Government Allowances of the State Council, national model teacher, national excellent teacher, national “Thousand Talents Plan” talent, and “National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project” talent, etc. In the university, there are over 16,000 undergraduate students, over 1,900 full-time doctoral and postgraduate students, over 1,400 part-time postgraduate students, nearly 700 international students, and over 2,600 continuing education students. The university has accumulatively cultivated over 100,000 graduates since founding.


     The university has 24 national-level, and provincial- and ministerial-level key laboratories (engineering research centers), and 1 provincial-level key technology innovation team, and has formed 7 characteristic advantageous research fields including oil-gas exploration theoretical techniques and engineering application, etc. There have been over 360 new national-level, and provincial- and ministerial-level research projects supported by Natural Science Foundation of China and National Social Science Fund of China, etc. in recent 5 years, with the total research expenditures of CNY 779 million.


    The university actively conducts international exchange and cooperation, and has established an exchange and communication relationship with 59 overseas universities (institutions). It implements the “Sino-American 1+2+1 Dual-Degree Program” with 13 American universities, “2+2 Dual-Degree for Undergraduate Students Program” with universities of the U.S., Russia, and South Korea, etc., and “4+1” and “4+2” Postgraduate Program and Doctoral Student Scholarship Program with universities of the U.S., UK and Germany, etc., short-term ”Exchange Student Program” with universities of Russia and the U.S., etc., and also the short-term abroad program to the U.S., UK, Germany, and France, etc. in winter and summer. The university actively conducts international student education, and is approved by the Ministry of Education to construct the “Demonstration Base for International Students Education”, having trained over 5,000 international students from 62 countries.

  • Introduce to Xi’an Shiyou University

    First: The first petroleum engineering and petro-chemical engineering university in China(Founded in 1951).

    Unique: The only university in northwest China features in petroleum engineering and petro-chemical engineering.

    Outstanding: University supported by Shaanxi Government.

    Colleges and Departments : 14 colleges and 2 affiliated departments.

    Three: The universities has three campuses, covers an area of 2133 acres in total.

    Excellent: rated as excellent in national assessment of undergraduate education quality in 2007.

    Feature Programs:5 national specialty programs, 10 brand programs and 5 characteristic programs of Shaanxi Province.

    Key labs: 24 National and Provincial Laboratories.

    Seven: Characteristic research field.

    Outstanding Engineers Plan: 5 national advanced programs of “Outstanding Engineers Training Plan”.

    Internationalization: conducting exchanges and cooperation with 62 institutions globally ,recruited students from 70 countries, authorized Chinese Government Scholarship university, member of the Universities Alliance of the New Silk Road, Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities, CCN, Belt & Road University and Enterprises Alliance.

    International Education: XSYU enroll students globally,and offer both degree and non-degree programs, which can be taught in Chinese or English. XSYU has Modern Mandarin Training Center, that in charge of Chinese teaching as second languages, Chinese culture teaching and other non-degree activities. 


Why Choose Xi’an Shiyou University?


Employment Rate

The employment rate of Xi'an Shiyou University graduate students constantly stays over 90% for 23 years, which won XSYU the honor of Advanced Unit of Graduate Employment from both Ministry of Education and Shaanxi Province. International graduates have the job opportunity offered by multinational corporations such as CNPC, CPCC, CNOOC, SHELL, as well as many overseas branches of Chinese oil companies.


International Students Model Education Base

XSYU was approved by MOE as the International Students Model Education Base, which is the only one among the petroleum universities in China.


Collaborations with Enterprises

A university collaborate with CNPC, SINOPEC,CNOOC and many international companies, such as PTIAL and TTGP.

Five Star Student Services

  • 24-hour free airport pick-up services.

  • Each classes are equip with teachers and counselor, who give academic and living guidance.

  • 24-hour security services.


International Students Apartment

Hotel standard dormitories with free Internet service, public kitchen, laundry, 24 hour hot water and security services.

Xi’an  City

History and Culture:

  • A World Historical and Cultural City officially recognized by UNESCO.

  • 6 relics being admitted on the World Heritage List, The Eighth world wonder-- Terra Cotta Warriors.

  • One of the four major ancient world capitals.

  • The starting place of the ancient Silk Road.

  • A city with more than 3100 years’ history.

  • Capital of 13 dynasties, the longest of its kind in Chinese history.

  • The sources of Chinese civilization, with profound historical sedimentation.


Modern City:

  • One of the economic, cultural and commercial centers along the Silk Road Economic Belt.

  • The largest city cross the new Eurasian Continental Bridge.

  • The host city of the Euro-Asia Economic Forum.

  • One of 6 Regional Central Cities of China.

  • One of the top five educational and research centers in China.

  • A major transportation hub in China.

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