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Southwest University (SWU)
  • City:Chongqing, P. R. China
  • Attribute:

    Public University

  • University Level:

    National Project 211

  • Recommend:

    3 stars

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  • Chongqing, located in southwestern China, is one of the four municipalities under direct administration of the Central Government of China, the economic and financial center in the upper part of Yangzi River, and one of the most competitive international metropolises. With its buildings on mountains and numerous bridges across Yangzi River and Jialing River around the city, Chongqing is also known for “Mountain City” and “Bridge City”. With its long history, dignified culture deposits, beautiful natural and cultural sights, open-minded and hospitable people, mouthwatering food like Hotpot, Chongqing is a city worth visiting.

  • Situated near the beautiful Jialing River, at the foot of Jinyun Mountain—a state level scenic spot, in Beibei Chongqing, known for its 600 hectare garden style campus, Southwest University is a national key, comprehensive university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, one of the “211 Project” universities (top 100 universities in the 21th century gaining preferential support in the construction and development from Central Government of China.


    Southwest University was established in July 2005 through the incorporation of former Southwest Normal University and Southwest Agriculture University, both of which could be traced back to their common origin, i.e. East Sichuan Teachers College in 1906.


    After long-term construction and development, Southwest University has developed its running characteristics in teachers’ education and agricultural education. It excels in a number of disciplines including education, psychology and agronomy. Among them, the silkworm genome research takes the lead in the world; psychology and education have taken a national lead. Other great achievements include natural fallowing, silkworm gene bank, southwest ethnic education and psychology research, and human time cognition and so on. Hundreds of new technologies and achievements have brought with them outstanding social and economic benefits.


Under the direct administration of Southwest University, International College is, on behalf of the university, responsible for international student admission and administration, Chinese language and BTCSOL, MTCSOL programs (programs of Bachelor/Master Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) teaching. It was founded in 2008, co-working with Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges, and began to work on its own in April, 2013.


International College is composed of four sections: Administration Office, International Students Admission Office, Student Affairs Office and Department of Chinese Language Teaching. There are over 40 full-time and par-time teachers; half of them are professors/associate professors, and 70% of them have teaching or learning experience abroad.


International College is authorized by Confucius Institute Headquarters, China to enroll international students for one semester Chinese language learning, one academic year Chinese language learning, bachelor degree program of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other languages, master degree program of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other languages. Besides being responsible for educating Confucius Institute Scholarship students, International College is responsible for offering compulsory courses such as Surviving Chinese, Survey of China, and Chinese Culture to international students for degree study either in Chinese or in English from other faculties at Southwest University, optional courses such as Chinese Painting, Chinese Knitting, Chinese Handwriting, Chinese Dancing, Chinese Folk Music Appreciation, Chinese Martial Arts, open for all international students at Southwest University.

International College holds various activities each year, like International Culture Festival, Chinese Star Competition, Chinese Talent Competition, Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year Party, Songkran Festival etc., in hope of enriching international students’ life, providing them with achievement or talent show platform, foster their mutual exchanges and understanding.


For cosy learning and living, International College is equipped with modern teaching and convenient living facilities, like digitalized audio-visual classrooms, multi-media/network classrooms, reading rooms, Chinese talent learning rooms, Chinese culture experiencing rooms, single-bed/double-bed rooms with individual toilets, internet access and TV sets, public kitchens and washing machines, gyms, tennis center, table tennis center.


International College is devoted to offering quality education, efficient management, comfortable learning and living environment.


Welcome to Southwest University, welcome to International College, because this is the right place for you international students to make great achievement and realize your dream.

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