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Binzhou Medical University (BZMU)
  • City:Yantai, Shandong Province
  • Attribute:

    Public University

  • University Level:

    Ordinary University

  • Recommend:

    2 stars

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  • Binzhou Medical University is a common medical university at provincial level in Shandong Province,and its predecessor was the Public Medical School of Shandong University originally established in 1946. The university follows its school-running tradition that “teaching comes first, and quality is prior to any others” and that “the education of man is a fundamental, and moral education has the priority”, and puts into practices its university dictum of “benevolent mind and wonderful skills”. Sticking to the centeredness on the cultivation of talents and that on the improvement of quality, it has trained more than 61,000 talented people in medicine and medicine-related trades for the society. Now Binzhou Medical University has bloomed into a common medical university at provincial level in Shandong province, where medical disciplines are superior, rehabilitation medicine and special education are featured, and medical, science, engineering, management, education and other multidisciplinary categories are infiltrated and coordinated. By now, BMU owns 30 undergraduate subjects which are qualified to enroll international students, and these subjects include clinical medicine, clinical medicine(general practice), stomatology, nursing, traditional Chinese medicine, medical imaging and so on.

  • The university has two campuses,has become the only famous medical university stretching across two school sites, with distinctive school-running characteristics and strength and high quality of education. Binzhou Medical University was qualified of granting master’s degree in 2003. In 2006, it passed the undergraduate teaching evaluation of Ministry of Education with outstanding achievements. In 2013, the university was among the first pilot universities of the comprehensive reform of undergraduate programs. It was approved as the demonstration site of special education at the national level, yielding outstanding results in succession in the National Clinical Skills Competition for University Students. It was included in the Shandong Province’s construction projects of elite universities centered on the cultivation of applied talents in 2013. In the recent five years, the university has been responsible for more than 1,340 research projects, including 56 NSFC projects, 185 provincial projects, published more than 550 monographs and textbooks, over 3,500 papers.


The university insists on taking the cultivation of talents as a center, and on taking the improvement of quality as a kernel, adhering to such educational conception as to “take the principle of people foremost, perform qualities education in all aspects, and realize the unity of basic theoretic knowledge and practice and innovation abilities, the unity of all-round development and individuality development, and the unity of scientific spirit and humanity spirit”. It will constantly deepen its teaching reform, strengthen teaching administration, improve school-running conditions, perfect the guarantee system of teaching quality, and endeavor to “cultivate quality talents with quality education”.

The university insists on the guideline of scientific planning, sufficient reasoning and increased effectiveness in construction, energetically improving school-running conditions and school-running guarantee levels. Now, it has invested nearly five million RMB to complete the construction of Yantai campus, preliminarily building up a modern campus with relatively perfect functions. At present, the university has a gross floor area of 580,000 square meters. Its library has a collection of 2.32 million volumes. At present, the university has one directly affiliated hospitals, 14 indirectly affiliated hospitals, more than 130 teaching hospitals and practical teaching hospitals, and more than 11,000 beds for the use of teaching and practices.

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