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Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NJUPT)
  • City:Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
  • Attribute:

    Public University

  • University Level:

    Double First-Class

  • Recommend:

    3 stars

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  • Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NJUPT), selected in China's Double First Class Project for building world-class universities and disciplines, has made remarkable contributions to the founding and development of the People’s Republic of China. NJUPT is also one of the selected universities for prior development by Jiangsu Provincial Government. NJUPT is engineering-oriented with a focus on information technology, integrating such disciplines as science, engineering, economics, management, literature, education, art and law, and offers multi-layered educational programs leading to bachelor’s, master’s, and doctor’s degrees, as well as post-doctor’s positions. The university is located in Nanjing, a historically and culturally rich city, and owns four campuses, namely Xianlin campus, Sanpailou campus, Suojincun campus and Jiangning campus. NJUPT has 21 schools (departments, research centers, etc.) as well as an independent college (Tongda College of NJUPT).

    NJUPT now runs three post-doctoral stations, three first-level disciplines authorized to offer doctorate degree, 14 second-level disciplines authorized to offer doctorate degree, 21 first-level discipline authorized to offer master’s degree, 32 second-level discipline authorized to offer master’s degree, 15 profession-oriented master’s degree programs (fields), and 55 undergraduate programs. Four programs of the university are among the world’s top 1% on the ranking by ESI. NJUPT is home to one National Key Discipline (in incubation), seven National Special Major Trial Programs, one Trial Program of National Reform on Different Majors, four majors certified by the National Engineering Education Accreditation Association, and eight National Excellence Initiative Programs. NJUPT is also a major participator in two National Collaborative Innovation Centers 2011, and plays a leading role in two Provincial Collaborative Innovation Centers 2011. There are a total of over 30,000 students on campus receiving education. NJUPT has a well-structured faculty of over 2400 people, including 756 supervisors to doctoral and master students. Among full-time teachers, 59.64% have advanced professional titles, and 94.17% possess doctoral or master’s degrees. A Nobel laureate has joined NJUPT faculty, taking the lead among universities in Jiangsu Province. NJUPT has achieved remarkable results in producing talents and in the evaluation of the undergraduate education by the MOE. Over the years, NJUPT has been persistent in strengthening its education system in an effort to turn out graduates with solid basics, all-round qualities and competitive skills, and furthering educational reform. Accordingly, a distinctive talents training system has been built. In recent years, the university has raked in bounteous prizes of various calibers in this regard: one First Prize and one Second Prize of National Teaching Achievements; one National Quality Course; one National Demonstration Bilingual Course; one National Quality Course as Shared Resources; one MOE-Intel Quality Course; 13 I-Course MOOC courses; three National Quality Online Courses; two National Quality Textbooks; eight National “12th Five-year Plan” Textbooks; and one First Prize of University Campus Culture Construction Awards of MOE. Students of NJUPT have reaped major awards at the national level and above, including the “Sony Cup”, the top prize of the National Electronic Designing Competition for Undergraduates; the Renesas Cup; the SIAM award, the top prize in US Mathematical Contest in Modeling for College Students; the First Prize of China Mathematical Contest in Modeling for College Students, the First Prize of “Challenge Cup” National Extracurricular Academic, Scientific and Technological Work Competition for University Students, and the First Prize of China Robot Competition and Robocup Open. And since the beginning of the “12th Five-year Plan”, the undergraduates have brought home a total of 3634 prizes at the provincial or ministerial level and above. NJUPT has throughout its 70-year history trained and delivered over 150,000 elites of various professions for our country, with many now being leading figures, the technically savvy, and senior managers in IT industry and demography-related fields at home and abroad, earning itself the reputation of the “Cradle of China’s IT Talents”.

  • NJUPT has been a strong contributor in scientific and technological innovation and social services. Revolving around an innovation system that incorporates information material, information device, information network, information system and information application, the university has demonstrated particular competitiveness in such areas as New Generation Mobile Communication, Internet of Things, Mobile Network, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Organic Electronics and Information Display, Integrated Circuits and Micro-assembly, Smart Grids, Optical Communications, Intelligent Manufacturing, Modern Postal Services, and Demography. In the past three years, NJUPT has undertaken a total of 446 science and research projects at the national level, including National Major Science Research Projects for Special Purposes, National 973 Projects, National Major Equipment Research and Manufacturing Projects, National Key Natural Sciences Funds, National Social Science Funds, etc., and won 44 awards at the provincial or ministerial level and above, including the Second Prize of the National Natural Science Awards, the Second Prize of the National Technological Invention Awards, the First and Second Prize of Natural Science Research Achievements Awards for Institutions of Higher Education, the Second Prize of Social Science Research Achievements Awards. The university has published more than 15000 research papers, about 6500 of which have been indexed by SCI, EI and CPCI-S. NJUPT has also strengthened her cooperation with local governments and corporations by establishing six research institutes with the former and 45 innovation platforms with the latter. Building around its strong disciplines such as Telecommunication and IoT, NJUPT is fulfilling her duties of cultivating professionals, boosting scientific researches, and serving the society in the area of IoT. For the same purpose, the university has built a National University Science Park, a National Model Agency for Technological Transfer, a National Popular Science Communication Base, and a National Mass Innovation Space.

    NJUPT actively promotes international exchange and cooperation. The university has been included in the Nation's University Innovation and Talent Recruitment Plan 2017 (briefly as 111 Plan). Around 500 overseas students from over 50 countries as Russia and The Republic of Kazakhstan are studying here for the Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees. Around 1000 international experts and scholars have visited, given lectures, or attended international conferences here. There are 40 or so international student exchange programs. The university is cooperating with New York Institute of Technology to offer four joint undergraduate programs approved by the Ministry of Education. NJUPT also takes active participation in ITU-sponsored conferences, organizes training for APT (Asia-Pacific Tele-community) in China, and partakes in the formulation of relevant international standards in communication.

    NJUPT, with a down-to-earth attitude and pioneering spirit, has identified a unique strategy for development, one that focuses on specialization in posts and telecommunications while reaching out to more sectors in the information society. The 19th CPC National Congress required that efforts be taken to ensure that “universities focus on teaching quality and strive for building first-class disciplines and institutions of higher education”. China is keen to push ahead the “Internet Plus” action plan, which gives NJUPT more space for development. Now the university is catching every opportunity to implement The Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for A New Era, realize the five visions, namely “strong feature, high level, multiple disciplines, teaching research, and internationalization”, and carry out the four strategies of “improving the university with quality, talent, features, and innovation”. NJUPT aims to forge ahead on the course of building world-class disciplines of electronic information science and engineering, with a view to presenting its unique strength in electronic information as a first-rate university.


NJUPT actively promotes international exchange and cooperation. It was selected as the “University Discipline Innovation and Talent Introduction Program ” (called “111” Plan in China), was approved for the construction of the first batch of Jiangsu Provincial Foreign Experts Work Studioand was approved by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education (JPDE) as Study in Jiangsu Target University.

NJUPT is among the first group of academic members of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). For years, it actively participates in ITU's various activities and academic conferences, and also involves in the formulation work of Internet and Telecommunications Standards. NJUPT assisted ITU to hold the Kaleidoscope Academic Conferences with international high level.

As early as in 1990, NJUPT became an APT (Asia-Pacific Telecommunity) Training Center in China. Over the past two decades, NJUPT has trained 30 groups of personnel from 31 countries and regions.

NJUPT has established long-term interschool academic cooperation with nearly 40 overseas universities, including University of British Columbia in Canada, Queen Mary University of London in UK, University of Wisconsin-Madison in US, University of Technology Sydney in Australia, Waseda University in Japan, Institut supérieur d'électronique de Paris (ISEP) in France and etc. Around 1,000 international experts and scholars have visited and given lectures at NJUPT.

Until 2018, NJUPT, setting 6 majors of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctor, has over 580 overseas students from 48 countries on four continents, like Russia, Kazakhstan, U.S.A, Armenia, Ghana and Bolivia. Among all the students, around 350 of them are undergraduates, over 120 of them postgraduates.

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