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Henan University (HENU)
  • City:Kaifeng, Henan Province
  • Attribute:

    Public University

  • University Level:

    Double First-Class

  • Recommend:

    3 stars

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  • Established in 1912 as “the Preparatory School for Further Study in Europe and America”,Henan University was then one of the three training bases for studying abroad in China. The school was the former provincial public education institution and located in the former site of 'Imperial Examination Center'. The year 1942 saw the founding of National Henan University, a comprehensive university that enjoyed profound academic strength and worldwide reputation, with faculties in humanities, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine and law. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the University was modulated into Henan Normal College. 1984 witnessed the restoration of Henan University. In 2008, it became a co-construct university by Henan Province and Ministry of Education of China, a “Plan 111” construction university in 2016, and “Double First-Class” initiative university in 2017. 

    Developing for nearly 110 years, Henan University(HENU) expanded to three campuses: Minglun, Jinming and Longzihu. Immersed in the splendid culture of Song Dynasty, Minglun and Jinming campuses are situated in Kaifeng, a historical and cultural city used to serve as the capital city during 8 different dynasties. Located in Zhengzhou, the current Provincial Capital, Longzihu Campus organically combines history and modernity.

  • At present, as a comprehensive university with 12 academic fields of study covering Humanities, History, Philosophy, Economy, Management, Law, Science, Engineering, Medicine, Agriculture, Education and Arts. Henan University has 37 schools and departments, 43 First-Level Disciplines for Master's Degree Granting and 20 First-Level Disciplines for Doctoral Degree Granting. HENU has a number of advantageous disciplines, among which Biology is selected as a “Double First-Class” initiative discipline in China, and 7 first-level disciplines, including Chemistry, Materials Science, Clinical Medicine, Engineering, Plant & Animal Science, Pharmacology, Environment/Ecology, have entered the top 1% of ESI world ranking. HENU has a strong faculty of over 4400, including 21 academicians working full time and part time, as well as over 1700 professors and associate professors. 50,000 full-time students, including 1,000 graduate students and over 800 international students, are being on their academic journey with us. HENU has 6 national key scientific research platforms, 2 national key social science research platforms and 4 key scientific research platforms of the Ministry of Education. 

    There are also national education, research and training bases, such as the training base for sports and art teachers of the Ministry of Education, the social science research base of the General Administration of Sports, the cultural quality education base of college students, and the inheritance base of Chinese excellent culture and art. Actively participating in internationalized education, HENU keeps to broaden international cooperation, and has established partnership with more than 180 universities from 36 countries and regions.


Henan University began teaching Chinese as a second language since 1985. By now, it has admitted more than 3500 overseas students from more than 20 countries including America, Australia, Canada, Egypt,France, German,Israel, India,Italy, Japan,Korea ,Laos,Mongolia,Nepal, Russia, Republic of Romania,Republic of Kyrgyzstan,Thailand ,the Federal and Islamic Republic of the Comoros,Vietnam, etc. 

International School for Chinese Language and Culture (ISCLC) is the special instrumentality which offers Chinese education for overseas students. It has more than 30 teachers, including part-time ones. 6 of them are professors, and 8 of them are vice-professors.

All of the full-time teachers have the Certificate for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language given by the Ministry of Education. Most of them have the experience of teaching abroad. During the more than 20 years’ Chinese-teaching to overseas students, the Centre has accumulated rich teaching experience and achieved a satisfactory result. Foreign students who entered our college improved their Chinese language level rapidly.

Henan University is the Test Center for the Chinese Proficiency Test (New HSK) which is launched by Hanban. According to the needs of the foreign students, the New HSK Exam can be hold monthly. It's very convenient for international students to take HSK in Henan University. 

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