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Xuzhou Medical University (XZMU)
  • City:Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province
  • Attribute:

    Public University

  • University Level:

    Ordinary University

  • Recommend:

    4 stars

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  • Xuzhou Medical University, situated in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province(less than three hours by train to Beijing or Shanghai), is an institution of higher education under the direct administration of Jiangsu Provincial Government. Established in 1958, XZMU has now become the center of medical education, medical service and medical research in the north of Jiangsu Province as well as in the whole Huaihai Economic Zone. It is also an independent higher medical institution with its distinct school characteristic. Since 2001, the college was consecutively ranked before fifty in comprehensive strength of national top medical colleges and universities. In 2005, XZMU successfully completed “Undergraduate Course Teaching Level Assessment by the Ministry of Education” with an “Excellence”. In 2005, XZMU began the education for international students. In 2013, XZMU is successfully authorized the right to grant doctoral degree.


    There are four campuses in XZMU, covering an area of over 1200 hectares. Now the second extension project of the Main Campus has been put into use. There are 35 affiliated hospitals (two under the direct administration of the college), five clinical institutes and more than eighty stable and high quality clinical teaching bases. XZMU has made great efforts to develop constantly and has produced a great number of medical workers for the society, with its study programs expanding gradually, the school strength enhanced and school characteristic becoming distinct.


    XZMU has about 14,000 students and 1300 teachers, offers a full range of courses for 27 undergraduate specialties, which covers the major medical discipline specialties, including Clinical Medicine, Anesthesiology, Optometry, Medical Imageology, Medical Rehabilitation, Preventive Medicine, Nutriology, Stomatology, Oral Restoration Technology, Nursing, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Biomedical Engineering and Public Administration, Medical Imaging Engineering, etc. Anesthesiology and Pharmacology are national characteristics key projects. Clinical Medicine specialty also recruits international students.


  • XZMU began to offer Master Degree programs in 1985, and now the number of the programs has reached 45, of which Clinical Medicine and Biology are first level key disciplines. Since 1993, XZMU has been training doctoral students jointly with China Medical University, Dalian Medical University, Nanjing Medical University and other establishments in the field of Anesthesiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Neurobiology, Human Anatomy, Histoembryology, etc. The anesthesiology specialty is the school characteristic and superiority. In 1986, approved by the State Educational Committee, XZMU took the lead in the nation to found the anesthesiology undergraduate course specialty. After many years’ efforts, the school has acquired much experience. “Research and Practice on Multi-level Anesthesiology Specialty Education with Chinese Characteristic” won the first prize for state-level teaching achievement. In 2007, the anesthesiology specialty was selected as “Characteristic Specialty Construction Spot of Higher Learning Institutions”.


    The university began to recruit M.B.B.S. international students since 2005, MD/MS program in 2012 and PhD program in 2014. At the same year, XZMU was authorized to hold HSK exam by the Ministry of Education of China and it was the first university HSK site in Huaihai Economic Zone. Now XZMU is on the list of authorized universities to recruit international students by the Ministry of Education of China. Two Batches of international students have been graduated from the college, of which the Nepali students’ medical license exam passing rate reached 100% and 86% separately. With the geographical advantages (airport available, less than three hours by train to Beijing or Shanghai) and full attention of whole college, the education for international student in XZMU developed fast. To enhance the teaching quality, XZMU sent groups of teachers abroad for further study, and invite tutors and experts to university to give guidance and lectures. To improve the study environment, XZMU provides the best playground, stadium, canteen with Muslim food, etc.



School of International Education (SIE) was formally founded in 2011. SIE is responsible for foreign students’ admission, academic affairs, routine administration and graduation. In 2012, HSK center was set in SIE, XZMU and SIE started to recruit master degree students. In 2014, SIE started to recruit PhD students. Now SIE have 379 undergraduate students, 37 postgraduate students, they are from 52 countries of 5 continents and include undergraduate, postgraduate students, as well as general visiting students.English-taught programs are MBBS, Nursing and postgraduate program.SIE has established a scholarship system and is now providing students with scholarships of different types: Provincial-level government Scholarship, XZMU President’s Scholarship, Special Scholarship for Nursing program and University Excellent Student Scholarship.


SIE pays attention to cultural inheritance and therefore organizes foreign students to take part in various activities in and outside university, trying to help foreign students understand Chinese culture and feel the happiness of study in China. Such as Art Troupe Performance, Graduation Party, Parties for Chinese festivals, Chinese Speech Competition, International Food festival and etc.


XZMU lays great emphasis on international academic exchange and cooperation with experts and colleagues from home and overseas. Scientific Development Conferences have been held to offer a platform for the faculties and foreign colleagues to make academic exchange. Every year a number of foreign experts are invited to visit the college and some of the faculties are sent to engage in advanced studies in developed countries. During recent years XZMU has hosted many international academic conferences and established multilateral exchange and cooperation with research institutions and medical universities from abroad, such as Medical college of Harvard University, the State University of New York Health Science Center, Parker Medical College of Texas, General Hospital of Massachusetts, Medical College of Wisconsin University USA, Medical University of Vienna, Austria.


We believe that through excellence of all aspects, we could make XZMU an ideal and happy place for foreign students to study in China.


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