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2023 - 09 - 16
My name is Sevenur Sarikaya, from Turkey. I got to know LUCAS International-Study in China on Instagram in 2022 when I was searching study in China online and their page just poped up. So, I think why not give it a try. Maybe I can get the information I need for study in China.
2021 - 09 - 22
Grazie all'aiuto di LUCAS ho ottenuto la borsa di studio del governo cinese per studiare relazioni internazionali alla PKU. Sono molto contento e consiglio LUCAS a tutti coloro che vogliano studiare in Cina. 非常感谢LUCAS团队~!
2020 - 02 - 20
우연히 LUCAS에 대해 알게 되습니다. 그리고 그들의 도움으로 상하이교통대학교에 성공적으로 입학하여 장학금을 받게 되었습니다! 정말 감사합니다! 一次偶然的机会了解到LUCAS,然后在他们的帮助下我成功被上海交通大学录取了并获得了奖学金!真的很感谢他们!
2014 - 03 - 23
Thanks a bunch LUCAS International, I got the chance to study Finance at SWUFE, which lays the foundation for my future career in the world of international finance. I am surrounded by classmates that have valuable experience in the field of finance in China.
2014 - 03 - 23
I would say 100% satisfied with your service, will definitely recommend my friends to LUCAS International if anyone wanna study in China. I was offered great guidance and got accepted in the university of my choice. Your service is BRAVO!
2014 - 03 - 23
The care provided by your team from the beginning of my application was essential to my admission in WHU. I just have to thank you for all the efforts you have made since I first time contacted your team.Thanks a lot LUCAS International, keep it up.
2024 - 03 - 18
The care provided by Adrian from LUCAS International since the beginning of the process was essential to the achievement of my admission in ECNU. I just want to thank him for all the efforts he made since my research for the university till I arrived at Shanghai, Liels paldies (Latvian,means thanks)!

    2014 SINCE
    Over the past few years, around 3600+ international students from over 30 countries applied with LUCAS International for study in China. Here are some stories shared by some of our applicants.
最新新闻 / News
My name is Ongani Banda, and I am 16 years old from Zambia, and I am eager to embark on this exciting educational journey in China. From a young age, I have been captivated by the world of technology, and this fascination has grown into a passion for computer science. Throughout my academic journey, I have actively sought opportunities to delve deeper into this field. I have consistently performed well in my computer science courses and engaged in extracurricular activities that allow me to apply and expand my knowledge. My dedication to mastering the intricacies of this ever-evolving field is a driving force in my academic pursuits.
2024 / 01 / 12
点击次数: 747
My name is Sevenur Sarikaya, from Turkey. I got to know LUCAS International-Study in China on Instagram in 2022 when I was searching study in China online and their page just poped up. So, I think why not give it a try? Maybe I can get the information I need on study in China.
2023 / 09 / 16
点击次数: 993
Hello, my name is Kim Roy (김로이 金路彝). I'm from Seoul, Korea. In early 2023, when I was searching 중국유학 (study in China) online, LUCAS International-Study in China came out. I didn't think much but tried to call my Chinese teacher who is a Chinese native to check whether he knows this company in China. My teacher called them directly and asked some questions on behalf of me.
2023 / 08 / 28
点击次数: 900
Hello, my name is San Pwint, from Myanmar. I got my bachelor's degree in English langauge and literature from Taunggyi University in 2022. Infulenced by my family, I want to study business management for my master's degree and I prefer to do it in China considering many of my friends are studying there.
2023 / 07 / 12
点击次数: 717
우연히 LUCAS에 대해 알게 되습니다. 그리고 그들의 도움으로 상하이교통대학교에 성공적으로 입학하여 장학금을 받게 되었습니다! 정말 감사합니다! 一次偶然的机会了解到LUCAS,然后在他们的帮助下我成功被上海交通大学录取了并获得了奖学金!真的很感谢他们!
2023 / 06 / 20
点击次数: 821
Grazie all'aiuto di LUCAS ho ottenuto la borsa di studio del governo cinese per studiare relazioni internazionali alla PKU. Sono molto contento e consiglio LUCAS a tutti coloro che vogliano studiare in Cina. 非常感谢LUCAS团队~!
2021 / 09 / 22
点击次数: 544
Nagarjun Sivakumar is my name and I was born on March 8, 2005. I currently reside in the country of Botswana, at Plot No. 1065, KO Kgale, Gaborone with my parents as both of them work as lecturers in Botswana local universities. At Gaborone International School in Gaborone, Botswana, I graduated in 2020 with an overall 91 percent on the Cambridge IGCSE test which is for senior high school graduates in Botswana.
2022 / 07 / 28
点击次数: 530
I’m from Greenland, the northernmost place in the world. The reason why I choose to study in China is that its culture and language is so fascinating. So I contacted LUCAS International and was admitted by BFSU for Chinese language study with their professional assistance. Thanks!
2014 / 03 / 23
点击次数: 601
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