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Contact Us Services

LUCAS International Team supports you all the way through the planning stage and your entire educational journey in China, career and graduation with our stellar and professional services. There are over 2,000 Chinese universities and colleges providing different kinds of courses. Conclusively deciding what works for you is often an overwhelming process. This is why more and more international students choose LUCAS International Team each year! You can get a 360-degree service experience with guaranteed admission and support. Enrolling at one of our partner universities gives you access to exclusive programs and services specially designed for your academic level, Chinese or English skills, and career aspirations.


University Application Service

By using LUCAS International application service, our team will help you to choose the suitable programs and assist you in preparing the required documents to make your application go smoothly.

Once Chinese universities have received your applications, LUCAS International will regularly update you on the status of your application. LUCAS International is responsible for getting admission information from universities and informing students about the admission decision online and offline. LUCAS International is commissioned to receive your admission package from universities and deliver it to you via DHL.

Scholarship Application Service

LUCAS International Team helped secure different kinds of scholarships for our applicants over the past years. Studying in China comes across as more affordable compared with other destinations but there still a major cost that students are expected to bear. We help applicants review existing scholarship opportunities and make compelling case to scholarship authorities to help you secure funding for your study in China.

Applicants could get full scholarships or partial Scholarships. China has dozens of scholarships that most international students do not know about. Our Admission Officers will guide applicants through evaluating all options and combinations. When you secure one, it reduces the stress of paying fees and allows you to rather invest into other aspects of your personal development like coaching, internships and others.

Accommodation Booking Service

Qualified applicants can reserve university accommodations through LUCAS International Accommodation Booking Team. This service mainly provides options of student dormitories. You can book your accommodation after you login to your LUCAS International account.  LUCAS International will also direct you to choose nearby hotels if you are not interested in living on campus.


Flight Booking Service

LUCAS International Team can help international students to book flights from different countries to China main cities. More options will be available because we work with airlines from different countries directly. Comparatively, the price will be slightly cheaper than that you get from travel agencies. The best time to book flights is after your student visa issued. Generally, the earlier you book flights, the cheaper the tickets will be.

Airport Picking-up Service

LUCAS International can provide you with an easy journey from airport to university. When you arrive at the airport after thousands of miles' flying, you may have difficulty in finding your way to your destination, not to mention if the taxi driver take you to the wrong place because of the language barrier, or you cannot find the registration place after your arrival.

Now, LUCAS International Airport Picking-up Service will clear up all the inconvenience. Our staff will meet you at the arrival area of airport, holding up a cardboard sign with YOUR NAME and  LUCAS International LOGO on it. Additionally, we have registration service for International students. All you have to do is to book a flight and send us the flight details at least five days before your departure.

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